19 November 2008

Cara mengelakkan diri daripada tertipu di Internet (SCAM)

Oleh: Irfan Khairi

Dalam mengumpul kewangan dan menambahkan kekayaan, kita bukan sahaja sepatutnya fikir bagaimana nak invest, bagaimana nak jimat wang, bagaimana nak tambahkan pendapatan, dan sebagainya... tetapi, kita perlu juga fikir bagaimana tidak mahu rugi/hilang/burn wang kita...

Contohnya seperti:

  • meminjam wang pada kawan, dan pinjaman tidak di bayar (mungkin anda pernah terkena!)
  • membuat pelaburan yang jelas merugikan (seperti beli rumah untuk disewa di kawasan tiada permintaan)
  • tertipu dengan program-program Inetrnet atau dikenali sebagai SCAM
    Tip saya kali ini, hendak kongsikan pada anda satu "formula" supaya kita tidak rugi/hilang/burn duit kita pada SCAM (penipuan).

Formula ini berbunyi: NO SCAM!


N bermaksud: NAME.

Siapakah nama di sebalik sesuatu pelaburan atau peluang perniagaan tersebut. Sering kali, SCAM dilakukan oleh mereka yang suka menyorokkan identiti mereka. Jadi, pastikan anda ketahui namasebenar dan juga maklumat peribadi siapakah yang mengendalikan sesuatu pelaburan atau peluang menjana pendapatan itu.

O bermaksud: OVER PROMISE.

Pelaburan atau peluang yang menjana pendapatan yang diberikan adakah ianya over promising? Atau janji yang lebih-lebih dan tak masuk akal? Ketahui bahawa menjana pendapatan yang lumayan bukanlah perkara yang mudah. Mana ada goyang kaki, duit masuk (melainkan bisnes menjahit). Kebanyakan SCAM akan menipu mangsa dengan cara membuat janji-janji manis berlebihan, atau OVER PROMISE!

S bermaksud: SEARCH.

Internet penuh dengan maklumat-maklumat. Dan maklumat di Internet bersebar dengan pantas. Oleh itu, apa kata anda menggunakan kekuatan Internet ini untuk membuat sedikit research. Anda perlu membuat SEARCH atau CARIAN, terutamanya di Google.com. Masuk http://www.Google.com dan lakukan research dengan cara type nama pemilik program tersebut. Atau, typekan nama syarikat. Atau type nama program atau sistem yang digunakan. Dengan hanya menggunakan SEARCH di google, anda pasti akan mengetahui banyak maklumat-maklumat seperti pelanggan tidak berpuas hati, dan sebagainya. Cara ini amatlah efektif, tetapi, sayangnya, ramai yang terjerat dalam SCAM, salah diri juga kerana tidak melakukan research, dengan hanya menggunakan SEARCH di GOOGLE.COM!

C bermaksud: CONTACT.

Pastikan anda mempunyai contact details lengkap syarikat atau perniagaan tersebut. Sekali lagi, mereka yang melakukan SCAM suka menyorok dan berselindung. Jarang sekali mereka dedahkan alamat, nombor telefon, cara hubungi, dan lain-lain. Sekiranya ada, apa kata anda cuba hubungi secara offline untuk memastikan kewujudan CONTACT details mereka. Ingat, wang anda dalam keadaan bahaya sekiranya tertipu. Oleh itu, apa kata usaha lebih sikit supaya tak terjerat!

A bermaksud: ASK.

Tanya orang ramai. Tanya kenalan-kenalan dan tanya juga pakar-pakar industri! Jangan hanya tanya kenalan yang mempromosikan sesuatu program tersebut, kerana mungkin mereka juga tertipu dengan SCAM. Tanya orang lain juga supaya kita lebih banyak maklumat tentang sesuatu program sebelum melaburkan our hard earned money! Islam juga menggalakkan kita banyak bertanya untuk mendapat ilmu. Pastikan anda mempunyai ilmu supaya tidak tertipu. Tanya – Tanya dan tanya lagi! (tanya itu hud-hud.. sama bang Nasir boleh ka?)

M bermaksud: MAKE SURE!

Pastikan anda melakukan kesemua di atas! Ulang kembali langkah N-O-S-C-A-M sehingga anda 100% berpuas hati dan rasa selamat dengan pelaburan anda. Sering kali mereka yang terjerat dengan SCAM, sebenarnya, sebelum menyertai telah ada "rasa tak sedap hati". Tetapi, sebabkan perasaan "ingin tahu" dan juga "cepat kaya" memenangi diri, maka, kita pun tertumpas dengan janji-janji manis SCAM.Sekiranya anda tertipu dengan SCAM, bukan sahaja anda rugi WANG. tetapi, anda juga akan rugi MASA dan USAHA anda dalam memperolehi dan menjana wang tersebut! Dan yang penting juga, anda akan rugi dan kehilangan keyakinan anda dalam memulakan perniagaan dan pelaburan yang sebenar. Bila hilang keyakinan, self esteem akan kurang, dan kita mula stress... harapnya tidak terjadi pada kita ok? :)

Baca kembali NO SCAM di atas dan fikirkan. Kalaulah semua kita ikuti langkah-langkah ini, insyaallah tiadalah yang terjerat dengan - SCAM yang berlaku keliling kita.Bagi anda yang pernah terkena SCAM (harapnya tidak ramai lah dari pembaca blog saya:) ), apa kata anda rujuk semua di atas dan cuba jawab point-point di atas.

Adakah anda melakukan segalanya sebelum terkena SCAM tersebut?

  • N – NAME
  • S – SEARCH
  • A – ASK
  • M - MAKE SURE!

P/s: AWAS- salah guna nama beliau (Irfan Khairi ) dimana baru-baru ini tersebar di Internet melalui email adalah email-email yang menggunakan nama beliau sebagai "penghantar" (sender) yang mempromosikan program reseller ala-ala mencari downline. Siapa ler gamaknya tu yer..

P/ss: Moga kita semua dijauhkan dari menjadi mangsa perbuatan tipu di Internet di mana rakyat Malaysia ini adalah antara tertinggi yang sering tertipu dengan program-program skim cepat kaya di Internet. ..Ni angkara lagu Tipah tertipu ler ni, sampai ramai yg tertipu kot..? entah ler dunia..

Soalan untuk anda:

Berapa banyakkah jumlah perkataan SCAM diatas? Anda tahu? Saya pun tak tahu berapa jumlahnya.. hahaaaha ooppss tak baik ketawa besar.. masuk lalat dala mulut nanti lakss.

12 November 2008

Menangi Nescafe Kick Start Entrepreneur Edition RM 38,000

Tahun ini pihak Nescafe mengadakan pertandingan Nescafe Kick Start Entrepreneur yang menawarkan sejumlah wang ganjaran RM 38,000.00 terbuka kepada para pengiat usahawan di Malaysia.

Anda tidak mahu mengambil bahagian ker atau bimbang idea anda akan ditertawakan? Mungkin kekurangan modal atau idea kot..

Suatu pujian harus diberikan kepada pihak pengajur iaitu Nestle yang memberi peluang rakyat Malaysia menggemukakan pelbagai idea bagi menjana wang sebagai usahawan.

Sebenarnya saya tidak berapa gemar menggunakan perkataan 'Usahawan Kecil dan Sederhana' sebab ianya menampakkan suatu usaha yang 'kecil' atau 'sederhana kecil' yang menunjukkan tidak ada kemajuan sesangat.. kalau ada kemajuan sekali pun akan nampak 'kecil' sahaja dimata masyarakat kita hari ini..

Persepsi pandangan 'kecil' mahu pun 'sederhana' atau 'sederhana kecil' lebih menjuruskan suatu perasaan kurang senang dikalangan orang Melayu khususnya. Sehinggakan terbentuknya dana atau tabung untuk usahawan kecil dan sederhana.. tak gitu.?

Tapi tak apalah, kecil ker sederhana ker besar ker yang penting segala industri yang bertujuan untuk menjana pendapatan itu boleh merancakkan ekonomi negara Malaysia tercinta ini. Bila sudah bergelar usahawan berjaya dan dapat meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat kita dengan peluang-peluang pekerjaan yang terbuka itu setidak-tidaknya kuranglah peratusan pengangguran dikalangan rakyat negara kita ini kan..

Baiklah, berbalik kepada Penawaran Hadiah oleh Nescafe Kick-Start itu, siapalah agaknya yang dapat mengeluarkan idea bernas yang boleh dikongsi bersama penonton nanti yer..?

Kalau saya masuk ler pertandingan tu, saya akan memberi suatu idea yang mudah bagaimana untuk berurusniaga dengan mudah melalui internet. Di samping berniaga kita akan dapat membuat derma kepada pihak yang menyertainya.

Sebagai contoh ler:

"Pihak Nestle ada menaja beberapa rumah-rumah kebajikan atau persatuan-persatuan kebajikan diMalaysia ini yang memerlukan bantuan. Disamping kita membeli produk mereka melalui internet atau diwakil pemasaran mereka seperti Kedai-kedai online, kedai runcit biasa, atau hypermarket contohnya, 10 % daripada pembelian tersebut akan masuk terus ke tabung persatuan atau pun rumah kebajikan tersebut."

Begitu juga jika terdapat lain-lain produk seperti produk digital tentu boleh menyumbang disamping memberi kesedaran kepada orang ramai agar sentiasa perihatin kepada golongan yang kurang upaya (OKU) misalnyalahkan..

Yelah bayangkan anda yang bersifat sempurna boleh menonton rancangan dengan TV Plasma yang mahal-mahal itu, malah ada pula memiliki home teater yang canggih manggih.. mak ooii berdezupp telinga jiran sebelah kauu.. bunyi karaoke sengauuu.. Jadi tentulah boleh menderma kepada persatuan pekak ker, bisu ker kan..?

Dipendekkan kisah, semoga perserta-perserta yang berjaya menyertai pertandingan Nescafe Kick Start Entrepreneur Edition ini akan lebih matang dan berjaya menghasilkan suatu idea konsep yang mesra alam dan mesra pengguna hendaknya.

02 November 2008

Hentikanlah darpadai menyimpan Kuku Panjang!! Akibatnya..

Suatu Infomasi buat anda yang suka menyimpan kuku panjang. Maksud panjang itu ialah tersangatttlah panjangnyaa sehingga sukar mengorek lubang hidung anda sendiri.. Eee gelinya mak oooii.. tak kuasa i..

Ni hah ko baca info kat bawah ni baru terbukak pintu minda hati ko baru ko tau;

"Dikatakan bahawa menyimpan sebatang jari kuku yang panjang, dosanya sama seperti memelihara sekandang babi. Hah babi? mak datok sekandang babi?. DAh tu ko bayangkanlah pula, jika kesemua jejari kita menyimpan kuku yang panjang (lima jari tuu huuii ) .... Alamatnya ko imaginasilah betapa dosa yang telah kita tanggung untuk kesemua babi-babi tersebut.... Maka disarankan potonglah kuku anda yang panjang itu.. Tak kira pompuan ker lelaki tau.. "

The Truth - Anda Jangan ada pasang niat nak simpan atau membela kuku panjang, walaupun hanya 1 mm mahu pun hanya dijari kelingking korang tu. Bagi orang Islam adalah tidak sesuai berkuku panjang atas apa alasan sekalipun kerana ia tidak membayangkan kesucian dan ia juga bukanlah budaya kita apatah lagi menggunakan tangan untuk beristinjak.. (beristinjak tu ape?.. hehe tak kan tak tau kot..?

Orang Melayu yang berkuku panjang biasanya mempunyai anak yang bodoh atau pun degil dan suka melepak sebab diberi makan bahan kotor yang berada dikuku jari emaknya semasa menyediakan makanan seperti memerah santan kelapa, buat cokodok pisang, uli tepong, dan lain-lain. Apa ilmu pun yang di ajar pun tak akan boleh diterima masuk ke dalam kepala otak mereka. Tak pun mungkin pernah makan kat warong-warong chow kit ker, kat medan selera benteng ker dan sebagainya.. periksa-periksalah tak pun perati-peratikanlah bro-bro yang masak atau menghidangkan makanan kita tu yer.. manalah taukan..

Percayalah bahawa;Pasal tabiat berkuku panjang inilah yang membuatkan orang Melayu mundur dan tidak berjaya. Syarikat Melayu yang bangkrap dan rugi teruk adalah kerana
mempunyai pekerja dan pemilik yang berkuku panjang . Untuk yang bujang beringatlah. Kalau hendak cari pasangan dan mahu anak yang pandai dan mendengar kata pilihlah wanita atau lelaki yang sentiasa berkuku pendek.

Insya-Allah tak kemana jodoh kamu tu..

Maklumat (info) tambahan;

Kuku panjang mempunyai sejenis kuman seperti yang terdapat dalam najis manusia, iaitu E-Coli. Kuman tersebut tidak akan hilang walaupun kita mencuci tangan dengan sabun. Oleh itu, sentiasalah berkuku pendek untuk kesihatan dan kebersihan diri sendiri.

Nasihat Nabi Muhammad s.a.w kepada Saidina Ali rhu. sesudah bernikah dengan Siti Fatimah iaitu anakanda kesayangan , Nabi Muhammad Saw.. berpesan kepada Saidina Ali iaitu kalau memakai cincin pakailah di jari:

1] jari manis 2] jari kelingking (anak jari) dan jangan memakai pada jari:

1] jari tengah 2] jari telunjuk

Nabi Muhammad saw. melarang kerana memakai cincin pada jari telunjuk dan jari tengah adalah meniru cara berhias kaum yang dilaknat oleh Allah iaitu kaum yang derhaka di zaman Nabi Lut a.s.

Perhatian : Cara memakai cincin adalah termasuk lelaki atau pun perempuan.

Kepada saudara dan saudari sekelian, silaah menasihatkan kawan-kawan dan juga saudara- mara terdekat ataupun anak-anak tentang kaedah yang betul untuk berhias di dalam syariat
Islam, kalau tidak sia-sia saja kita mendapat laknat dari Allah s.wt.

Nabi s.a.w. memakai cincin dan kalau kita memakai cincin dengan niat mengikut sunnah Nabi s.a.w. senang je kita dapat kita pahala. Insya Allah.. Berkat mengikut sunnah Rasulullah s.a.w.


01 November 2008

FORMULA 7A (by Dr. Danial bin Zainal Abidin)

Sumber daripada Laman Web: http://www.mindasuper.com/ oleh Oleh Dr Danial Zainal Abidin

1- Autentik
Ilmu adalah penting dalam Islam dan ilmu bertunjangkan dalil yang sahih lagi kuat teramat penting dalam beragama. Dalam Islam, di samping Al-Quran serta hadis-hadis yang mutawatir, riwayat-riwayat yang sahih, hasan-sahih dan hasan juga diterima sebagai dalil untuk pembinaan hukum-hakam Islam. Berhubung dengan hadis yang daif, ia tidak boleh digunakan sebagai dalil untuk menetapkan sebarang hukum agama sama ada yang berkaitan dengan perkara yang wajib, sunat, haram atau yang lain-lainnya.

Imam An-Nawawi dalam kitab Al-Azkar menjelaskan, “Ulama hadis, fikah dan lain-lainnya berpendapat, digalakkan serta harus memanfaatkan hadis-hadis daif untuk menjelaskan fadilat atau kelebihan sesuatu amalan, atau untuk merangsang manusia supaya beramal atau untuk mendatangkan perasaan takut supaya manusia menjauhi kemungkaran. Walau bagaimanapun, jika sesuatu hadis dikategorikan sebagai mauduk, ia tidak boleh digunakan. Dalam aspek penetapan hukum seperti halal, haram, hukum jual beli, nikah, talak dan yang seumpamanya, hadis-hadis daif tidak boleh digunakan. Yang boleh digunakan ialah hadis-hadis bertaraf sahih dan hasan.”

2- Akidah
Akidah merupakan tunjang Islam dan ia berkaitan dengan kepercayaan. Akidah yang betul ialah yang selari iktikad Ahli Sunah Wal Jemaah. Ia adalah keyakinan yang mantap di hati disusuli dengan manifestasi melalui perkataan dan amalan di dalam kehidupan. Keyakinan di hati adalah tonggak kepada iman dan tanpanya iman seseorang dianggap tidak sah sama sekali. Nabi bersabda, “Sesungguhnya golongan Bani Israel berpecah kepada 72 golongan dan umatku berpecah kepada 73 golongan, kesemua mereka di dalam neraka kecuali satu. (Sahabat-sahabat) bertanya: ‘Siapakah yang satu itu wahai Rasulullah?’ Nabi s.a.w menjawab: Mereka yang mengikut landasan yang aku dan sahabatku bawa.” (riwayat Tirmizi)

3- Amal Salih
Kepercayaan menjadi pudar tanpa amalan. Amalan pula adalah tertolak melainkan amalan yang salih. Asas kepada amalan yang salih ialah firman Allah yang bermaksud, “Bahkan sesiapa yang menyerahkan dirinya kepada Allah di samping melakukan kebaikan baginya ganjaran dari sisi Tuhannya, tidak ada ketakutan ke atasnya dan dia tidak akan berdukacita.” (al-Baqarah ayat 112)

Berhubung dengan ayat ini, Imam Ibn Kathir berkata: “(Ayat ini) menjelaskan, Allah hanya menerima amal yang mempunyai dua kriteria, pertamanya ikhlas dan keduanya muhsin. Muhsin bermaksud melakukan sesuatu sesuai dengan ajaran yang dibawa oleh Rasulullah. Jika sesuatu amal dilakukan dengan tulus ikhlas tetapi caranya tidak mengikut (syariat), ia tidak diterima (oleh Allah).”

4- Awlawiyat
Sebagai suatu agama yang lengkap, Islam bukan hanya menyuruh umatnya melakukan amal, ia juga menuntut umatnya menentukan keutamaan ketika beramal. Sehubungan dengan ini kaedah-kaedah fiqhul awlawiyyat atau fikah keutamaan perlu dikuasai oleh umat Islam. Profesor Dr. Yusuf Qardawi dalam bukunya Fiqhul Awlawiyyat berkata, “(Ilmu ini) dapat membantu pejuang-pejuang yang bergiat cergas dalam penyebaran dakwah. Dengannya mereka dapat membezakan antara perkara utama dan yang perlu dikemudiankan, antara yang perlu dipandang berat dan dipandang ringan dan antara yang perlu dipermudahkan dan diperteguhkan. Dengan ilmu ini, ia dapat membetulkan sikap mereka yang terlampau keras dan juga meluruskan sikap mereka yang terlampau meringankan kewajipan.”

Kejahilan berhubung fikah keutamaan akan melahirkan insan yang songsang dalam kehidupan. Mereka, sebagai contoh, akan rajin mengerjakan solat sunat dan mengabaikan solat fardu; lebih mengutamakan hafalan dari kefahaman; lebih mementingkan dunia dari agama; lebih mengutamakan kulit dari hati dan lebih mementingkan kerjaya dari keluarga. Sumber fikah keutamaan sebenarnya ialah Al-Quran dan As-Sunah

5- Akhlak
Kualiti dan kejayan tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kebersihan hati serta akhlak. Justeru Islam amat menekankan aspek kejujuran, amanah, tolong-menolong serta bermaaf-maafan dalam hidup serta kerjaya. Akhlak yang mulia adalah sebahagian daripada takwa dan tanpanya kualiti tidak akan tercapai. Dalam surah Ali-Imran ayat 133-134 Allah berfirman, “Dan bersegeralah kamu kepada keampunan dari Tuhanmu dan kepada syurga yang luasnya seluas langit dan bumi yang disediakan bagi mereka yang bertakwa. (Iaitu) mereka yang menafkahkan hartanya di waktu senang dan susah serta mereka yang menahan perasaan marahnya dan memaafkan kesalahan orang. Allah menyukai orang-orang yang membuat kebajikan.”

Berpandukan landasan ini, seseorang yang berjaya dalam sesuatu bidang dengan cara menipu, merasuah, menjiplak karya orang lain, memutar belit kebenaran, memfitnah, memonopoli serta menzalimi hak orang lain tidak boleh dianggap sebagai seorang yang berjaya dalam erti kata yang sebenarnya. Di sisi Allah, manusia seperti ini dianggap sebagai manusia fasiq yang keji. Justeru, hasil kerjanya tidak boleh dianggap sebagai suatu yang berkualiti kerana ia tidak disadur dengan akhlak. Mengikut hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh Imam Abu Daud dan Tirmizi, nabi bersabda, “Orang mukmin yang paling sempurna imannya ialah mereka yang paling mulia akhlaknya.”

6- Amanah
Dalam surah Al-Ahzab ayat 72, Allah berfirman, “Sesungguhnya Kami telah mengemukakan amanah kepada langit, bumi dan gunung ganang tetapi mereka enggan memikulnya dan berasa berat dengannya, sebaliknya ia dipikul oleh insan. Sesungguhnya mereka amat zalim lagi jahil.” Ayat ini adalah satu perumpamaan daripada Allah tentang amanah. Ia adalah suatu yang berat sehingga tidak sanggup dipikul oleh makhluk-makhluk Allah yang besar seperti langit, bumi serta gunung ganang kerana mereka menyedari jika amanah ini dikhianati azab menanti mereka. Sebaliknya manusia yang kerdil ini sanggup menerimanya. Justeru sebahagian daripada manusia mendapat azab Allah kerana mengkhianatinya. Mereka yang cuai ini ialah golongan yang zalim lagi jahil.

Insan yang berjaya ialah mereka yang beramanah. Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan amanah? Mengikut Imam Qatadah, “Amanah ialah Islam, ibadah yang fardu dan batas-batas agama.” Imam Al-Alusi pula berkata, “Amanah ialah tanggungjawab yang berkaitan dengan hak-hak Allah dan hak-hak makhluk sama ada berbentuk perbuatan, perkataan atau kepercayaan.”

7- Asah
Asah bermaksud mengasah dan menajamkan kemahiran agar setiap amanah yang dipikul dapat dilaksanakan dengan cemerlang. Allah menceritakan tentang Zulkarnain yang mempunyai kemahiran berkomunikasi sehingga memahami maksud percakapan satu golongan yang hdup di kawasan yang terpencil. Beliau berkemahiran untuk kemudiannya membantu mereka daripada kemungkaran Yakjuj dan Makjuj.

Allah berfirman, “Sehingga apabila ia sampai di antara dua gunung, ia mendapati di sisinya satu kaum yang hampir-hampir tidak dapat memahami perkataan. Mereka berkata: “Wahai Zulkarnain, sesungguhnya Yakjuj dan Makjuj sentiasa melakukan kerosakan di bumi; oleh itu bolehkah kiranya kami menentukan sejumlah bayaran kepadamu dengan syarat engkau membina sebuah tembok di antara kami dengan mereka? Dia menjawab: “(Kekuasaan dan kekayaan) yang Tuhanku jadikan bagiku lebih baik (dari bayaran kamu) ; oleh itu bantulah daku dengan tenaga agar aku bina antara kamu dengan mereka sebuah tembok penutup yang kukuh.

(Berkata Zulqarnain) : ‘Berilah aku potongan-potongan besi’. Hingga apabila besi itu telah sama rata dengan kedua puncak gunung itu, berkatalah Zulqarnain: ‘Tiuplah (api itu).’ Apabila besi itu menjadi (merah seperti) api, dia pun berkata: ‘Berikan aku tembaga yang mendidih agar ku tuangkannya ke atas besi panas itu’. Maka mereka tidak mampu mendakinya dan mereka juga tidak mampu untuk melubanginya.” (al-Kahfi ayat 93-97


Wabillahitaufik walhidayah.

19 October 2008

Imam Ghazali dan Teka-teki Untuk Anda!

Soalan Teka-teki daripada Imam Ghazali Untuk Anda

(..Selalunya orang yang bertanya itu lebih tahu daripada orang yang kena Tanya… So, jadikanlah sebagai renungan serta panduan.... (bukan sekadar pertanyaan..)

Tuan-tuan dan puan-puan "Apakah yang paling dekat dengan diri kita di dunia ini ?

Anda sangka jawapannya "Orang tua" atau
Anda mungkin kata jawapannya "Guru" atau
Mungkin anda ingat jawapanya "Teman" atau pun
Mungkin pada sangkaan anda "Kaum kerabat"..

Menurut Imam Ghazali bahawa "Semua jawapan itu benar. Tetapi yang paling dekat dengan kita ialah MATI . Sebab itu janji Allah bahawa setiap yang bernyawa pasti akan mati ( Surah Ali-Imran :185).

Tuan-tuan dan puan-puan "Apa yang paling jauh dari kita di dunia ini?"
Mungkin jawapan anda "Negeri Cina " atau
Mungkin juga "Bulan" atau
Boleh jadi benda "Matahari" atau
Pada fikiran anda benda seperti "Bintang-bintang" dilangit angkasa raya..

Sebaliknya Iman Ghazali mengatakan bahawa “Semua jawaban itu benar. Tetapi yang paling benar adalah MASA LALU. Bagaimanapun kita, apapun kenderaan kita, tetap kita tidak akan dapat kembali ke masa yang lalu. Oleh sebab itu kita harus menjaga hari ini, hari esok dan hari-hari yang akan datang dengan perbuatan yang sesuai dengan tuntutan ajaran Agama".

Soalan Iman Ghazali buat anda lagi iaitu "Apa yang paling besar didunia ini?"

Kita terlihat “Gunung" ; hmm boleh jadi Gunung-ganang; atau
Kita telah pelajari sains alam semesta dan kita fikir "Matahari" kot.. atau
Pada perspektif yang nampak ini boleh jadi "Bumi" yang sedang kita diami ini;

Sesungguhnya hasil kajian dan pemerhatian Imam Ghazali "Semua jawaban itu benar, tapi yang besar sekali adalah HAWA NAFSU kita lihat (Surah Al A'raf: 179). Oleh itu, haruslah kita berhati-hati dengan nafsu kita, jangan sampai nafsu kita membawa ke neraka."

Persoalan seterusnya "Apa yang paling berat didunia? "

Anda pernah kerja mengangkat baja-baja untuk tanaman jadi mungkin "Baja" kot.. hehe hehe atau ;
Boleh jadi benda "Besi" dan keluli atau
Binatang paling besar dan berat iaitu mungkin "Gajah" agaknya..

Kata Imam Ghazali lagi bahawa "Semua itu benar, tapi yang paling berat adalah MEMEGANG AMANAH sepertimana diceritakan didalam Al-Quran (Surah Al-Azab : 72 ). Tumbuh-tumbuhan, binatang, gunung, dan malaikat semua tidak mampu ketika Allah SWT meminta mereka menjadi khalifah pemimpin) di dunia ini. Tetapi manusia dengan sombongnya berebut-rebut menyanggupi permintaan Allah SWT sehingga banyak manusia masuk ke neraka kerana gagal memegang amanah."

Soalan yang menarik disini pula Imam Ghazali bertanya anda "Apa yang paling ringan di dunia ini?"

Sangkaan anda mungkin ianya "Kapas" atau
Mungkin juga "Angin" atau
Yang lebih halus iaitu "Debu" atau
Biasa terlihat "Daun-daun" berguguran dikala angin bertiup..

Diatas kebijaksanaan Imam Ghazali mengatakan bahawa "Semua jawaban kamu itu benar, tapi yang paling ringan sekali didunia ini adalah MENINGGALKAN SOLAT. Gara-gara pekerjaan kita atau urusan dunia, kita tinggalkan solat" ..(fikir-fikirkan lah yer mengapa begitu kadang-kala senang sekali kita melakukannya.. astaghfirullahala’zim)..

Jika tuan-tuan dan puan puan tahu "Apa yang paling tajam sekali di dunia ini? "

Setengah dari kita mengatakan "Pedang" atau pisau atau sabit mungkin gunting..

Tetapi menurut perkiraan Imam Ghazali "Itu benar, tapi yang paling tajam sekali didunia ini adalah LIDAH MANUSIA. Kerana melalui lidah, manusia dengan mudahnya menyakiti hati dan melukai perasaan rakannya sendiri "

(..hmm mungkin kah aku salah seorang darinya.. na’uzubillah..)

"sampaikanlah walau satu ayat"..

18 October 2008

Mat Jenin - Kisah Dan Tauladan

KISAH DAN TAULADAN – MAT JENIN (Benarkah adanya nama ini dalam sejarah Melayu kita yer.. sama-samalah fikirkan)

(Maafkan aku ..kerana aku tidak tahu siapa yang mengarang cerita ini dan jika ianya bertujuan untuk menjatuh air muka bangsa ku sendiri – bangsa Melayu atau mungkin ianya sekadar bertujuan untuk semata-mata menyedarkan minda kita daripada kealpaan agaknya..)

Mat Jenin mengambil upah memetik buah kelapa. Pendapatannya sekadar cukup-cukup makan untuk menyara anak bininya. Baju baru pun tak terbeli, nak beli barang-barang mewah jauh sekali. Makan pun dalam daun pisang. Minum pula dalam cawan buluh.

Satu hari Mat Jenin diupah oleh Haji Mamat Tokey Kelapa untuk memanjat kelapanya. Mat Jenin rasa irihati melihat kekayaan yang dimiliki oleh Haji Mamat. Kebun kelapanya luas berekar-ekar.

Rumahnya besar tersergam indah. Keretanya ada dua biji pula tu. Bininya pun dua.

"Hai...Kalaulah aku dapat jadi kaya macam Haji Mamat. Taklah aku susah-susah hidup macam ni.." fikir Mat Jenin.

"Aku ni hidup susah, aku taknak anak-anak aku kelak jadi susah macam aku. Aku mesti bekalkan mereka dengan wang! Ya!! Aku mesti jadi kaya!! Bini aku...dah lama dia tak dapat pakai barang-barang kemas..kalau aku kaya nanti aku akan belikan dia emas, berlian, zamrud...hahahahahaaa!!!" Mat Jenin mula berangan-angan.

Masa naik pokok kelapa Mat Jenin makin kuat berangan-angan... "Mula-mula aku beli ayam, bila dah biak banyak, aku jual ayam beli kambing, biak lagi aku beli lembu.....bila dah kaya dapat banyak lembu aku beli pula kuda...." Mat Jenin mula berkhayal dan bergaya naik kuda di atas pokok kelapa yang tinggi itu. Tiba-tiba....


Mat Jenin terjatuh dari pokok kelapa tapi tertimpa pula Mat Ashraf yang kebetulan lalu di bawah. Mat Ashraf meninggal dunia serta merta manakala Mat Jenin tercedera dan dimasukkan ke hospital.

Doktor mengesahkan Kecederaan Mat Jenin tidak membolehkannya lagi bekerja sebagai pemanjat kelapa. Di katil hospital Mat Jenin merintih sendiri:

"Ya Allah ya Tuhanku. Aku mohon ampun kepadaMu kerana tidak bersyukur dengan rezeki yang telah Kau berikan padaku. Sepatutnya aku redha dengan keadaanku itu, di samping berusaha mencari nafkah harianku. Sepatutnya aku tidak berangan-angan terutama sekali waktu buat kerja...seperti kata orang tua-tua 'umpama Mat Jenin'...eh...aku lah tu...sepatutnya aku sentiasa bersyukur dengan rezeki kurniaan Kau sama ada aku miskin atau kaya."

Sewaktu Mat Jenin merintih sendirian itu, dua orang polis dating menemuinya. Setelah memperkenalkan diri, mereka menunjukkan sehelai kertas kepada Mat Jenin.

"Kertas ini kami jumpa di tempat awak jatuh. Kami tak tahu siapa yang punya, awak ke Mat Ashraf".

Setahu Mat Jenin dia tidak membawa apa-apa kertas masa tu. Sudah tentu Mat Ashraf yang punya. Sebelum Mat Jenin menjelaskannya kepada polis, dia sempat melihat isi kandungan kertas itu:

  1. Mau duit belanja harian : buat pinjaman Bank Rakyat. "MINTA" Abang Ali tolong pinjam. Dia kerja Gomen. Senang...hehehe....
  2. Nak projek..."MINTA" ahli politik tolong rekomen.
  3. Nak beli kereta baru...buat pinjaman bank, tak ada cagaran. "MINTA" Kak Temah cagarkan tanahnya.
  4. Along datang suruh bayar hutang. Macammana mau bayar? Duit tadak..."MINTA" dengan Haji Mamat Tokey Kelapa.

"Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku. Seteruk-teruk aku, teruk lagi perangai Mat Ashraf ni. Patutlah dia yang mati bukannya aku. Semoga Kau mengampuni dosanya...amin." - Mat Jenin.

The moral of the story: "Just be your self.." Work hard and work smart..

(Hey if you don't know the Malay Language, just search for dictionary to learn it..)

02 September 2008

Heal Your Soul With Flute Songs (From: Spiritual Nation)

These info comes from Website: http://www.spiritual-nation.net/

(I found these website through their CD's which I have bought it and the persons who has made single perform at KL Sentral Terminal Departure Hall.. ) You can download the beutiful melody songs through their website.. Enjoy to hear it.. Heal your Soul through these meditation songs.. It has been so long that I want to find these kind of music..


Welcome dear friends once more to an imaginary journey into the Native culture through the enchantment of the Inca music. Because nature and earth are elements in our life and music is the rhythm of our hearts and minds. This collection of musical expressions is part of the ageless cycle of creation of new stories and traditions that belong to the personal experiences of all indigenous people regardless of their ancestry and draws upon the music of both the old and new world of inspiration, synthesis of diverse traditions of the "Americas".

The songs flow from us like a fountain that cannot be contained, a road that has no end, the force of the mountain, winds that breath our songs, The sweat of our ancestors, the stories that must be told, the music that must be played. We perform with pride and respect the traditions of the Indigenous cultures of the Americas dignity and love for our craft It's our destiny.

History is only a dream,

The future has not happened,

The present is changeable

Spiritual Nation

Our Music:

There are melodies in our lives that mark us forever that once you hear them they stay in your mind, and they break any obstacle that the language, culture or generation may have. Since the decade of the sixties the world has lived in a popular urban globalization of music. The young people of South America and North America as well as the industrial countries have been raised with this kind of music, they all have the same dreams, and they all have heard the same sound of guitars and the same voices of the music. In regards of the different language the world has always wanted to be one, and it has been that way in part.

In our Indian villages have been some translators of popular music that have been raised hearing this tones, and they also have tried to have their own tradition. Spiritual Nation is recognition to this, that with their melodies have brought dreams and hopes to places never imagined. To those who open the doors for the young generation of popular authors. Spiritual Nation is a group of pioneers that mix rhythms and instruments. There are new ways of trying to play different voices of other to renovate our own. The songs are the same true, but the feelings are different.

Our Project:

In December of 2000, the members of Spiritual Nation founded in Chicago, USA, ODIPE (Organization for the Development of the Indigenous people of Ecuador) a non for profit and an independent organization. To develop and collaborate with projects that promotes art, culture.

To ensure the economical, social and cultural justices of the Indigenous peoples based on the principles of equality among the indigenous peoples and the people of the countries that surround them. To promote knowledge and traditional practices on the use, conservation, preservation and sustainable development of natural resources.

One of the main objectives of ODIPE will be to the creation in Ibarra, Ecuador, the Native village of the members, a Cultural Center dedicated to the New Generations where can we teach the traditional values and arts to the children and to encourage them to be proud of their cultural heritage. In a world of accelerating change, where values are eroding in a homogenous blur, what is worth preserving requires commitment and financial support. The commitment to preserve cultural traditions is by necessity an ongoing one. You financial support is great help for the objectives of the organization, but more important, it is an investment that will continue to reap benefits for generations to come.

Contact Informations:

USAInca Rhythms, C/o Harold Fromer, 7225 S. C.N. Rd 1150 E. Sheridan, IN 46069.Ph: +317 758 1020Email: ecuadorinka@aol.com

UAEMarc Farinango, Office 508, The Fairmont Dubai, Dubai, P.O Box 73310. Ph: +9714 311 6540Fax:+9714 332 8810 Email: sacred_spirit43@yahoo.com Email: marc.farinango@gmail.com

Malaysia Spiritual Nation Sdn Bhd, A-20-5 Jin Sepadu 3, Pearl Point, 58200 Kuala Lumpur. Ph: + 603-95431581 Fax: +603-95431582 Email: marc.farinango@spiritual-nation.net

Contact Admin: admin@spiritual-nation.net


Spiritual Nation is a group of young Inca musicians dedicated to promoting the essence of traditional Inca music in a spiritual and very unique way, the result of this fusion is the Spiritual Nation’s ability to deliver a message of universal peace and harmony, which inspires that haunting sound, transmitted by their ancient flutes and pipes in combination with contemporary instruments. The music they share has been passed down through the generations from the Grandfathers.

Musical education in their homes begins as soon as they can hold an instrument, around age five. Many of the instruments are handmade in traditional ways with native materials; bamboo, sheep hooves, goat skins and armadillo shells. If the instruments are not captivated enough their sound will surely entrance you.

The Band's Members:

Marc Farinango has born in Ecuador in 1969. Is a Quichua native from the Imbaya Nation, which his ancestors are the Incas. Since he was very young he showed he likes music and he started to learn how to play the instruments and he chose the flute, He have been performing and joining different bands until 1989.

In 1989 he went on tour to Europe with his own brother and started to perform in cultural festivals and ethnic events. In 1990 decide to continue his studies in some American Institutions. Is in USA where he developed most of his career. In 1993 he traveled to New Zealand and Australia and he got an invitation to perform in United States and he established in California for 2 years and performed all over United States performing and sharing the Inca culture with the Inhabitants of North America and Canada.

In 2000 traveled to Japan to learn about the traditions and culture and to promote his cultural heritage with the Northern Japan (Sapporo) and he traveled participating in some Japanese Masteries (festivals) in 2001 he received an Invitation to perform in Dubai at the famous Dubai Shopping Festival and later at the Global Village at the International Pavilion. It was the trip which made Marcelo Farinango to decide to be established in the Middle East to promote the culture and the music for the inhabitants of this region of the World and have been performing in Jordan, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait and Iran....

In Iran he understood the beauty of its culture and its people and its ancient civilization and decided to stretch bridges of brotherhood with his music and tried to promote human harmony and spiritual healing.

Marcelino Vega comes from a very well know family of traditional musicians, artists, and dancers in South America, Ecuador. He has the ability to perform with his instrument and dance the traditional dances as well. In the year 1987 he traveled across Ecuador with the Traditional Dances Group Imbaya”. In 1989 he traveled with a friend to Germany and he decided to study the language and the culture, but he changes his mind when he felt there is something missing in his life, because he has the music and dance in his blood. In 2000 he traveled to Canada and performed Native American Cedar flute and Pan Flute in different concerts and Special events, but he remembers with a little bit of nostalgic his Performance during the Winter Olympics which was held on Winnipeg Canada.

When he performs with his flute he will transport you to an imaginary journey into the past full of nostalgic and full of harmony. Carlos Morales, is a Native Quichua from the Imbaya Nation in Ecuador. He is also member of one of the most famous indigenous families of Folk musicians, artisans, artists and flute and Pan Flute Makers in his Village. Morales is a virtuous of the Flute and Pan flute. His music is healing, eternal and earth conscious.

His songs celebrate survival and have a deep spiritual essence. Since his early years he discovered a talent to perform all kind of instruments, particularly the Pan flute. He traveled around the world sharing his talent and his culture. In 1999 he visited the Dakota Reservation and learned more techniques to play the Pan flute and the Native American Cedar Flute.


Since 1989 around the world.

Europe: Germany, Holland, Italy, France, Sweden.

Middle East: Jordan, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, Iran, Qatar,

Asia: Japan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand as well Festivals:

Have participated in over 25 states in the US: art fairs; trade shows; conventions, etc.

Fiesta San Antonio, Texas, Viva Chicago Latin Festival.

Canadian National Exhibition 1999.

Democratic Convention Chicago 1996.

Memphis in May Fest, Tennessee 1996, 1998, 1999. International Festival, Houston Texas 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003.

Wisconsin State Fair, Wisconsin 1999, 2001. Oklahoma State Fair, Oklahoma 2001, 2002.

Dubai Shopping Festival UAE 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005. Qatar Summer Wonders Doha, Qatar 2003.

International Ney Festival Tehran, Iran 2004.

Christmas in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia 2004.

TV/Radio appearance/videos: MTV/Have a Heart Benefit. Coctel Gala... Paramount Studios, CAJerry Springer Show.. Chicago, IL. Dunia Show, Abu Dhabi TV.UAE.PBS/WGBY Caught in the Act (prize-winning feature) NPR/WICN Brown Bag Radio Concert, Worcester MA. Continental Cablevision.

Radio features and interviews on WUTC (TN), and WFCR, WTCC, WMAS, WRSI, WMUA, WRNX, Associated Press national spot.

Performances: In early 1992 Spiritual Nation made their big move to Southern California. Since their first summer at their new home, they amazed crowds at the Laguna Beach Festival of the Arts and the Escondido Street FairMontrose Arts Festival, Los Angeles Pomona Fair. In 1993 Spiritual Nation was invited to perform at different International Festivals and Art Shows across the United States and Canada. Spiritual Nation has made his presence in Sound Tracks, Television Appearances, and is heard in hundreds of Radio Stations around the United States of America, Latin America, and Europe.

Their continuous appearances in Universities, Colleges and Festivals have brought audiences to their feet amazed at the skills and professional performance of Spiritual Nation. The group has participated in Festivals in Sydney in Australia and in the Aomori MatsUri in Japan.

In 2001 the group made his first Middle East tour invited by Mr. Ahmad Al Masri to participate at the Global Village during the Dubai Shopping festival, the response from the Arab audience was excellent and they started to visit and participate in the very important shopping malls and Festivals in the Middle East Abu Dhabi, Bahrain and Qatar. In Sept 2004 Spiritual Nation performed at the First International Ney Festival at NIAVARAN palace in Teheran, Iran. The response of the audience was excellent especially for the New Generation who went to the concert.

In Dec 2004 Spiritual Nation travel to Malaysia and performs at the famous Kuala Lumpur by the Twin-Towers attraction large crowds and sympathy of the listeners. In March 2005 travels for first time to Kuwait City by invitation from Mr. Jaffar Dashti TV Director from KFAS (Kuwait Foundation for the advancement of Sciences) and performs at Marina Mall and other venues.

Source: Visit to Website http://www.spiritual-nation.net/

13 August 2008

Seven Ways to Attract More Money

Seven Ways to Attract More Money
(by Dr. Joe Vitalewww.MrFire.com)

Want to attract more money?

Wondering why you haven't attracted it when you've done everything you thought you needed to do?

What really works when it comes to attracting more money, anyway?

I've been studying the Law of Attraction for more than three decades. I've written several books about it, including The Attractor Factor and The Key. That's why I ended up in the movie The Secret, and then on Larry King and Donny Deutsch's televison shows, among others. I know how the Law of Attraction works, and I know why so many people don't clearly understand it.

When it comes to the Law of Attraction, most people want to learn how to use it to attract more money first. After that, they'll wonder how to attract romance, cars, homes, happiness, and everything else. But money is the starting place for most people.

So, how do you attract more money?

When it comes to attracting anything -- and money in particular -- there are seven ways to do it right.

Here they are:

1. Give Money Away

It sounds counter-intuitive but the more you give, the more you will receive (unless you block the receiving, which ties into the next step). Give openly and freely to wherever you received spiritual nourishment. Give on a regular basis, too. The rule of thumb is to give 10% of whatever you receive, but it's also smart to give more when you feel inspired to do so.

Remember, give to the person, place, or group that has kept your spirit alive. Just ask "Where was I most inspired this past week?" and give to that source. And ask the question daily or weekly as the source will often change.

Here's an inside tip:

When most people give money, they do it with a tight fist. They don't give much. Why not? Because they're afraid. They're holding on. Well, the energy of fear will attract more things to fear. Instead, give money with an open heart and an expectation of return. Give in love.

2. Get Clear

Most people push money away with their hidden limiting beliefs, such as "money is bad" or "rich people are evil." Those are beliefs, not facts. Get clear of them and money will come to you (as long as you also do the next step).

Getting clear is truly "The Missing Secret" to making the Law of Attraction work for you all the time. After all, it isn't your conscious intentions that are being manifested in your life, it is your un-conscious counter-intentions.

For example, when you set a goal on New Year's day to stop smoking or date more, what happened the next week? You gave up your conscious goal for your un-conscious belief that you couldn't do it. You weren't in alignment with your intention. You werent' "clear."

Most likely in your unconscious mind you have limiting beliefs about money, such as -

a.. "Money is evil."

b.. "Money will attract problems."

c.. "Money will make me a selfish person."

d.. "Wanting money is greedy."

e.. "Rich people are snobs."

If you have one or more of those limiting beliefs within you, do you really think you'll attract any money? In truth, you'll attract NOT having money.

Why? Because your unconscious counter-intention ("Money is bad") will veto your conscious intention ("I now attract more money into my life").

Is it any wonder some people say the movie The Secret or the Law of Attraction doesn't work? Obviously, once you clear those hidden blocks/beliefs to your success, your success has nothing in the way of happening. The roadblocks are gone.

I talk about ways to get clear in my new audioprogram, "The Missing Secret." One thing you can do right now is to simply question your beliefs. Become a belief detective and look for those limiting beliefs about money. When you release your inner blocks, you will attract more money.

3. Take Action

Too many people sit and wait for money to materialize in front of them. I believe in magic and miracles, but I also believe that your role in the process of attracting money is to actually do something to bring it your way. Act on your ideas. Now. "Money likes speed" is my favorite mantra.

If you don't act now, you'll see your idea manifested in a store some day and somebody else will be attracting money from it. What can you do right now, today, to move toward creating something that will attract more money? Whatever it is, do it.

When you doubt and second-guess yourself instead of taking action, you are demonstrating that you aren't yet clear (see second tip above) about money and your right to attract it. Act now and get rich.

4. Support a Cause

Most people push money away because they don't feel they deserve it. One way around this (while you still work on getting clear inside yourself) is to want money for a larger purpose. I created Operation YES to end homelessness. Raising hundreds of thousands of dollars (or more) for that cause will remove any remaining prosperity limitations within me. While I won't receive a dime from Operation YES, my working on its behalf will attract money to me in other ways, such as the contacts and goodwill I'll create.

In short, want money for a larger reason than your own ego. This is a beautiful way to attract more money without wanting it only for yourself. Realize that when you are wealthy, you are better able to help family, friends, your community, and even the world. A good reason to attract more money is for all the good it can do for others, not just you. Ask yourself what cause would you support (or even create) once you attracted more money?

5. Get Support

One of the wisest things you can do to achieve any goal is create or join a master mind group devoted to it. I co-authored Meet and Grow Rich with Bill Hibbler for this reason: to teach you how to create a support group.

The idea is to be around people who can keep your energy and inspiration high. While you can make progress alone, it's so much easier when you have support.

This support can also come in the way of audiotapes, books, and other learning tools. I've been buying audios from Nightingale-Conant for more than thirty years for just that reason: it helps me stay focused on constantly growing and improving. Even when I was struggling, I went to the library and borrowed books and tapes to keep me informed and inspired. Today I can afford to buy my own materials, but it's only because I invested in my education every step along the way.

I created "The Missing Secret" audio set to help people understand the practical use of the Law of Attraction. Again, all of this is support in helping you attract more money.

6. Be Grateful

This is huge. Be thankful for the money you have - which is probably considered true wealth by people starving in third world countries - and you'll begin to attract more money. Gratitude sends off a signal of appreciation, which brings to you more to be thankful for. Begin with whatever is in this moment that you can be sincerely grateful for.

After I was homeless and while I was still experiencing poverty, I began this exercise by holding a pencil and being grateful for it. Once I truly experienced gratitude, it shifted my energy vibe so I could then experience more to be grateful for. Today I have much to be thankful for - from houses to cars to collectible guitars -- but it all began with a pencil.

Look around and ask yourself what you are grateful for right now. Then get into that feeling.

7. Do what you Love

There's no sense in working at something you hate. If you are currently at a job you don't like, find a way to enjoy it for the time you are there while working towards doing your passion. Following your passion is the greatest secret of all when it comes to attracting wealth.

Everyone from Donny Deutsch to Donald Trump to Bill Gates to little ole me agree that passion (combined with the other steps above) is your ticket to financial freedom. Even when I worked for oil companies back in Houston and didn't like my work, I found ways to do what I loved. I wrote my first book on my lunch hours. I spoke on weekends and sold my book in the back of the room. Over time, doing what I love became my life. And today it's my moment by moment wonder.

Ask yourself what you would do even if you were never paid. That's a clue to what you should be doing and of course finding a way to be paid for it. You can attract more money from love.
Finally, expect success.

The mindset of expectation - expecting that you are now attracting money and playfully looking around, asking "I wonder how big money will come to me today?" - will keep your brain turned on to seek and find opportunities. You of course then have to take fearless action when you see them.

Go for it!

Sources : (Dr. Joe Vitalewww.MiraclesCoaching.com )

12 August 2008

Network Builder Program (NBP) - It Works!!.. Join me..

Network Builder Program (NBP)

Do you want to work for 40 years or more to make $40,000 a year or less just so you can retire on 40% of what wasn't enough in the first place?
Imagine owning a profitable home business that you could start today WITHOUT:
- Technical know-how, - Large capital investment or overhead, - Jeopardizing your current career, - Any of the headaches of owning a traditional business.
What if all the tools and techniques were provided for you instantly with simple-to-follow, step-by-step instructions? What if I told you it was FREE to join with NO obligation whatsoever! Interested?
Why not take that important first step and visit: http://www.ezinfocenter.com/10254804/FREE.

While you've been reading the above, thousands of people all over the world have been working to put money in my pocket. I even make money while I sleep! By this time next week, so could YOU.

Get full info here: http://www.ezinfocenter.com/10254804/FREE.

11 August 2008

How to Create a River of Abundance in Your Life Right Now (Share Info..)

How to Create a River of Abundance in Your Life Right Now
(If you think these info worth it for you right now, countinue to read it..)

People always ask me about the secret to abundance. They say, "How can you give away so much, Mike, and still attract so much abundance at the same time?" Actually, that's the whole secret right there. Be a river, not a dam, and abundance of all kinds (financial and otherwise) will flow through you.

This article is a discussion about what I call "money harmony" or "energy harmony". Being a river means being the kind of person who is a conduit, who allows resources, including money, to flow through you rather than being the kind of person who tries to dam up the flow of energy and selfishly keep it all for yourself. This whole discussion gets rather philosophical, but it's also quite practical as you'll soon see.

There is a system at work in the universe that distributes resources to those who are the most responsible in putting them to good use. Of course, there's a competing system at work, too. That is a system that results in resources being collected in the hands of people who are deceitful, who cheat others, who are dishonest, unethical and so on. That system definitely works for some corporations and some individuals, but the price they pay for that is much too high.

I advocate a system that allows you to be rewarded for being a conduit of responsible use of money and resources.

In this system, the universe acts almost as if it were a conscious dispatcher of resources. This consciousness takes a look at who is allowing resources to flow through them, distributing them and putting them to good use. It then rewards or replenishes that person with more resources, usually much more than what they allow to flow through them.

So if you're the kind of person that donates money or time to a constructive purpose, and you approach it with the attitude of being a river and not a dam, you will be blessed with far more wealth than you give to others.

Health flows

Let's return to the metaphor of being a river and not a dam. Healthy rivers flow; water continues to move downstream and it gets replenished from an upstream source. In that river you'll find all kinds of life: fish, micro-algae and plants. But if you dam up that river, you cause stagnation. You stop the flow.

This is what happens when people try to covet money. They try to collect money and put it all in their pockets without sharing with anyone. They become a collector or a dam rather than a conduit. What happens when water starts collecting and it's not moving? It begins to stagnate; it becomes brackish and the life in it dies. The energy becomes a negative energy and it's not the kind of place that people want to be around.

This is also true with people. People who operate on greed and whose main purpose is to try to collect and control resources, rather than share them, are not well-liked by other people. They won't be successful in any business endeavor, other than by using methods of deceit and dishonesty. The dam model is the model of stagnation.

If you function as a dam in life you're typically espousing a philosophy of scarcity.

This is how a lot of people accidentally end up functioning as dams. They approach life with a fear... a fear of not having enough. They're afraid they won't have enough food or money. They contract and stop the outflow of resources, thinking if they conserve more money, if they try to keep everything for themselves, they will be better protected. And in fact, that only creates a situation of stagnation.

On the other hand, a person who approaches life from a point of view of abundance believes there is more than enough financial wealth for the world and more than enough food. They say, "In my life, I am an abundant person in everything I deal with," and they attract abundance and wealth. That person is going to flow like a river and notice that, even as they allow all of that water to flow downstream to other recipients and provide life further down the line, they are always replenished with new water coming from upstream. It is in fact the flow of that water that keeps it healthy and full of life.

So remember, fear creates constriction or contraction, which leads to stagnation, loss of life and negative energy. On the other hand, sharing or opening up to others through generosity creates abundance; it brings life and broadcasts a higher vibration that attracts people. People want to be around you.

I'm suggesting that you adopt the vibration of abundance, and you can start by giving. It may sound counterintuitive if you're new to any of this, but the best way to become wealthy, in terms of money, friendships, wisdom and everything else that matters in life, is to actually start giving away all of those things.

By that I mean, start giving away some of your money. Find a good cause that you can donate to. Start giving information to the people around you. Give the gift of knowledge. Give the gift of time and effort or volunteer somewhere. Make the effort to be part of something constructive.

As you start doing this, you may say, "Well, I was broke before I started this. Now I'm giving away my money and my time, and I'm even more broke." To that I would advise to look where you're coming from. Once again, it's from a perspective of scarcity and fear of not having enough. What if, instead, you started giving away time, financial resources and gifts of knowledge and information, and told yourself that this is an investment? Tell yourself, "I'm investing in others and in the flow of the river, and I know that this investment will come back to me. By taking these actions, I am in fact enhancing my wealth." What if you said that? What would happen?

Be an attractor of abundance

You'll notice that I give away far more information than I charge for. I give away 90 percent of what I write. That is intentional; that's my way of sharing information and allowing the river to flow. A shrewd businessperson who didn't understand this concept might say, "Mike, you could make a lot more money if you stopped giving away all this stuff and started charging people for it." I've heard that before, too. When someone tells me that, however, it indicates they don't understand how to be a river and not a dam.

They don't understand the power of being a river, because once you start to flow, to allow resources to flow through you by helping others, the universe will reward you. It's as if someone made a decision and noticed that you are responsible and you are a good steward of financial resources. You therefore are being granted a much larger collection of those resources.

You must unlearn false beliefs about money

Most of us have been trained that we have to hold on to every single dime and the only way to achieve long-term financial success is to cut our costs and not give away anything that we don't have to give away. Basically, we're taught to pinch pennies.

But I'm coming from a very different point of view, which holds that pinching pennies is exactly the wrong attitude. You should not go around wasting money on silly products you don't need; rather, put your money to a good use. For example, I buy no jewelry. Buying jewelry does nothing for me personally. I don't typically spend a lot of money on clothing, either. I buy only enough clothing to look presentable at board meetings. I dislike fancy cars, and I have no interest in a lot of material stuff.

I prefer comfortable clothes, such as hemp pants, silk shirts and materials that feel good and are made from natural fibers. I don't spend a lot of money on frivolous things.

However, I do spend money on good causes. I will send a few thousand dollars worth of food supplies to a needy community, or I'll send emergency preparedness supplies to the American Red Cross. I'll donate money to earthquake victims, tsunami victims or people who are caught in some kind of a natural disaster. I'll donate software to groups that are doing good work and need some technology for their automation. Such acts are more important to me than collecting a lot of consumer products or things I don't really need.

Heal yourself with flow

In a nutshell, that is my own personal secret to abundance. From my experience, this is what really works. You've got to give, have an open heart and be willing to invest in others around you in order to attract more abundance to yourself. Whether your goal is to have financial success, meet new people or heal yourself, you'll find all of those things happening when you're willing to give to others.

In fact, this is a very healing exercise to engage in. If you are knowledgeable about chakras and the energy centers in the body, you are most likely aware that simply giving actually opens up the flow of energy through those chakras. Once again, that returns us to the metaphor of the river: When you give, you flow. At an energetic level, that is exactly what's happening. When you flow, you actually prevent disease and you can start to reverse diseases.

Many diseases are energetically related to stagnation and lack of flow. Heart disease is definitely one of them. It's no coincidence that individuals who aren't willing to give to anyone are said to "have no heart." That's technically quite true. They have no heart health, and they tend to be struck down by heart attacks, strokes or other forms of cardiovascular disease. That saying is part of our reality because it's been based on observation over the years. People who don't give don't flow, and people who don't flow tend to have heart attacks. So by allowing yourself to flow by giving to others and being generous, you will simultaneously attract health and heal yourself.

You will also attract financial abundance, and will meet new people who can help you succeed in practically any endeavor. You will be able to create every bit of the success you imagine (and most likely achieve something far beyond that as well).

With financial wealth comes responsibility

Do you now have a sense for how incredibly powerful this can be in your life? How healing is part of every step here? How healing others is also healing you? All of this is absolutely true. When you heal others, you become healed in the process. When you allow resources and money to flow through you, you will be recognized and rewarded with more resources and more abundance. You'll have so much financial abundance that you won't know what to do with it.

At some point – and it doesn't take very long to get there – you'll have more than you need to feed and clothe yourself and live comfortably. Everything else, then, is excess money. Here's perhaps the most important point of all: when you reach the point where you have more money than you know what to do with, be a responsible host of that money.

Let's say that you receive a nice fat raise to $250,000 / year in salary. "Gee, I've made it. I'm going to have a quarter of a million dollars a year. I've got a lot of money coming in. I'm going to blow it on a world cruise, a brand new Jaguar and this $10,000 necklace I've been wanting." You start loading up on all these luxury items that serve no one but you.

I guarantee the first thing that will happen is that the universe will say, "This person doesn't need any more money, because they sure don't know how to use it." You'll then find that that flow is going to stop. That is the natural order of the universe; it's the way things work.

On the other hand, if you say, "I've got a couple hundred thousand dollars here. I'm going to take 10 percent and donate that to some important causes. I'm going to take another 10 percent and buy some health products for people who need them. I will also go to the nursing home here and work with some patients as a volunteer."

When the universe sees that happening with you, it says, "This person is a wonderful steward of financial abundance. This person knows how to take care of money and put it to a good use. We're going to reward this person with some more money." You'll then find even more abundance headed your way. That's the magic of abundance.

Remember to reward yourself, too

One final thought on this. While this is going on, recognize that as you're receiving financial abundance, you do have the right to spend some of that money on yourself. As long as you are simultaneously sharing and rewarding others around you, you deserve to reward yourself as well.

I find too often that in the natural health industry, people feel guilty spending even one dollar on themselves. That is ridiculous. There is a time and a place to say, "I deserve to have some nice natural-fiber clothes, or to upgrade my automobile to something that's more comfortable and safer. We deserve a nice meal at a fine restaurant, or we deserve to buy organic foods, and move to a better part of town, or to a better part of the country." You deserve to be abundant. But it’s important to do these other things at the same time that you're rewarding yourself. Don't feel guilty about spending money on yourself. Just make sure that you are allowing the flow to others at the same time that you are rewarding yourself.

Now, of course, the purists out there would say we don't need anything material at all. The fewer attachments we have to material wealth, the freer we are. I agree with that completely, but I also recognize that for the vast majority of people in the western world, there's a certain level of "stuff" that's necessary simply to operate in this society.

That's true for myself as well. I couldn't do this work without having lots of computer equipment and a comfortable place to write. I couldn't talk about nutrition and physical exercise if I didn't invest in nutritional supplements and exercise equipment. So there's a certain level of physical infrastructure that's necessary to even have a conversation with those in the western world. But the key is to gather what you need to do your job (and pursue your mission) without going crazy on the accumulation of stuff.

There's a saying in the west: "He who dies with the most toys wins." And actually, it's completely backwards. In reality, he who accumulates the most toys dies while still alive, because he turns into a dam and stagnates. The measure of a person is not how much she accumulates in life, but how much she helps others.

Understanding this flow of energy is truly one of the secrets to abundance. You can call it energetic, you can call it karma or you can call it a spiritual approach. It doesn't matter what you call it; it's the way the universe works. If you flow, you will be blessed with more resources than you know what to do with.

It may be time to look at your life and be honest with yourself about what you do with your money. Be honest about what you do with your time, and what your reasons are for getting involved with any endeavor. If you don't have the most altruistic reasons yet, or perhaps you don't have any altruism at all, it may be time to redefine yourself.

You can alter your flow in an instant
We can choose to change at any time we want. Even if we've never given a penny to anyone in our entire lives, we can make a change right now, and make a donation today. We can restructure the river inside of us right now. It only takes one decision and one action. You can restructure your life from this moment forward; you can create the flow even if you’ve never had it.

If you have a river that's dammed up and the water is stagnant, brackish and lifeless, you can tear down that dam. The water will break through and begin to flow downstream, and all that brackish water will empty out and be replenished by new, fresh water. With that new, fresh water will come new life, oxygen, plants, fish, living creatures and energies of incredible joy and health. You can do that right now by making the decision and breaking down any dams inside your own belief systems that may have been stopping the flow of resources. You can create a river of abundance in your own life right now.

By Mike AdamsSource: NaturalNews.com

RELATED ARTICLE: The 3 Most Powerful Principles I Have Learned from Millionaires

(Thank you Mike Adams for your most inspired article)

09 July 2008

100 quotes from "The Secret" (Good Info: if you know it "Just Do it"..)

100 quotes from "The Secret"

  1. We all work with one infinite power
  2. The Secret is the Law of Attraction (LOA).
  3. Whatever is going on in your mind is what you are attracting.
  4. We are like magnets - like attracts like. You become AND attract what you think.
  5. Every thought has a frequency. Thoughts send out a magnetic energy.
  6. People think about what they don't want and attract more of the same.
  7. Thought = creation. If these thoughts are attached to powerful emotions (good or bad) that speeds the creation.
  8. You attract your dominant thoughts.
  9. Those who speak most of illness have illness, those who speak most of prosperity have it..etc..’
  10. It's not "wishful" thinking.
  11. You can't have a universe without the mind entering into it.
  12. Choose your thoughts carefully. You are a masterpiece of your life.
  13. It's OK that thoughts don't manifest into reality immediately (if we saw a picture of an elephant and it instantly appeared, that would be too soon).
  14. EVERYTHING in your life you have attracted. Accept that fact .. it's true.
  15. Your thoughts cause your feelings.
  16. We don't need to complicate all the "reasons" behind our emotions. It's much simpler than that. Two categories - good feelings, bad feelings.
  17. Thoughts that bring about good feelings mean you are on the right track. Thoughts that bring about bad feelings means you are not on the right track.
  18. Whatever it is you are feeling is a perfect reflection of what is in the process of becoming.
  19. You get exactly what you are FEELING.
  20. Happy feelings will attract more happy circumstances.
  21. You can begin feeling whatever you want (even if it's not there) the universe will correspond to the nature of your song.
  22. What you focus on with your thought and feeling is what you attract into your experience.
  23. What you think and what you feel and what actually manifests is ALWAYS a match - no exception.
  24. Shift your awareness.
  25. "You create your own universe as you go along" Winston Churchill.
  26. It's important to feel good ( ( ( (((good))) ) ) ) .
  27. You can change your emotion immediately by thinking of something joyful, or singing a song, or remembering a happy experience.
  28. When you get the hang of this, before you know it you will KNOW you are the creator.
  29. Life can and should be phenomenal. It will be when you consciously apply the Law of Attraction.
  30. Universe will re-arrange itself accordingly.
  31. Start by using this sentence for all of your wants: "I'm so happy and grateful now that.... "
  32. You don't need to know HOW the universe is going to rearrange itself.
  33. LOA is simply figuring out for yourself what will generate the positive feelings of having it NOW.
  34. You might get an inspired thought or idea to help you move towards what you want faster.
  35. The universe likes SPEED. Don't delay, don't second-guess, don't doubt.
  36. When the opportunity or impulse is there – ACT.
  37. You will attract everything you require - money, people, connections. PAY ATTENTION to what's being set in front of you.
  38. You can start with nothing and out of nothing or no way - a WAY will be provided.
  39. HOW LONG??? No rules on time. The more aligned you are with positive feelings the quicker things happen.
  40. Size is nothing to the universe (unlimited abundance if that's what you wish). We make the rules on size and time.
  41. No rules according to the universe. You provide the feelings of having it now and the universe will respond.
  42. Most people offer the majority of their thought in response to what they are observing (bills in the mail, being late, having bad luck...etc..)
  43. You have to find a different approach to what is through a different vantage point.
  44. "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" – Buddha.
  45. What can you do right now to turn your life around??.
  46. Gratitude will bring more into our lives immediately.
  47. What we think about and THANK about is what we bring about.
  48. What are the things you are grateful for?? Feel the gratitude. Focus on what you have right now that you are grateful for.
  49. Play the picture in your mind - focus on the end result.
  50. VISUALIZE!!! Rehearse your future.
  51. VISUALIZE!!! See it, feel it! This is where action begins.
  52. Feel the joy, feel the happiness .
  53. An affirmative thought is 100 times more powerful than a negative one.
  54. "What this power is,I cannot say. All I know is that it exists." Alexander Graham Bell.
  55. Our job is not to worry about the "How". The "How" will show up out of the commitment and belief in the "what".
  56. The Hows are the domain of the universe. It always knows the quickest, fastest, most harmonious way between you and your dream.
  57. If you turn it over to the universe, you will be surprised and dazzled by what is delivered. This is where magic and miracles happen.
  58. Turn it over to the universe daily, but it should never be a chore.
  59. Feel exhilarated by the whole process - high, happy, in tune.
  60. The only difference between people who are really living this way is they have habituated ways of being.
  61. They remember to do it all the time.
  62. Create a Vision Board - pictures of what you want to attract. Look at it every day and get into the feeling state of already having acquired these wants.
  63. "Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions." Albert Einstein.
  64. Decide what you want. Believe you can have it, believe you deserve it, believe it's possible for you.
  65. Close your eyes and visualize having what you already want - and the feeling of having it already.
  66. Focus on being grateful for what you have already. Enjoy it!! Then release into the universe. The universe will manifest it.
  67. "Whatever the mind of man can conceive, it can achieve" W. Clement Stone.
  68. Set a goal so big that if you achieved it, it would blow your mind.
  69. When you have an inspired thought, you must trust it and act on it.
  70. How can you become more prosperous?? INTEND IT!!
  71. 'Checks are coming in the mail regularly'... or change your bank statement to whatever balance you want in there... and get behind the feeling of having it.
  72. Life is meant to be abundant in ALL areas...
  73. Go for the sense of inner joy and peace then all outside things appear.
  74. We are the creators of our universe.
  75. Relationships: Treat yourself the way you want to be treated by others. Love yourself and you will be loved.
  76. Healthy respect for yourself.
  77. For those you work with or interact with regularly - get a notebook and write down positive aspects of each of those people.
  78. Write down the things you like most about them (don't expect change from them). Law of attraction will not put you in the same space together if you frequencies don't match.
  79. When you realize your potential to feel good, you will ask no one to be different in order for you to feel good.
  80. You will free yourself from the cumbersome impossibilities of needing to control the world, your friends, your mate, your children....
  81. You are the only one that creates your reality.
  82. No one else can think or feel for you. Its YOU and ONLY YOU.
  83. Health: thank the universe for your own healing. Laugh, stress free happiness will keep you healthy.
  84. Immune system will heal itself.
  85. Parts of our bodies are replace every day, every week..etc... Within a few years we have a brand new body.
  86. See yourself living in a new body. Hopeful = recovery. Happy = happier biochemistry. Stress degrades the body.
  87. Remove stress from the body and the body regenerates itself. You can heal yourself.
  88. Learn to become still. Take your attention away from what you don't want, and place your attention on what you wish to experience.
  89. When the voice and vision on the inside become more profound and clear than the opinions on the outside, then you have mastered your life.
  90. You are not here to try to get the world to be just as you want it. You are here to create the world around you that you choose.
  91. Allow the world as others choose to see it, exist as well.
  92. People think that if everyone knows the power of the LOA there won't be enough to go around. This is a lie that's been ingrained in us and makes so many greedy.
  93. The truth is there is more than enough love, creative ideas, power, joy, happiness to go around.
  94. All of this abundance begins to shine through a mind that is aware of it's own infinite nature. There's enough for everyone. See it. Believe it. It will show up for you.
  95. So let the variety of your reality thrill you as you choose all the things you want. Get behind the good feelings of all your wants.
  96. Write your script. When you see things you don't want, don't think about them, write about them, talk about them, push against them, or join groups that focus on the don't wants. Remove your attention from don't wants and place them on do wants.
  97. We are mass energy. Everything is energy. EVERYTHING.
  98. Don't define yourself by your body. It's the infinite being that's connected to everything in the universe.
  99. One energy field. Our bodies have distracted us from our energy. We are the infinite field of unfolding possibilities. The creative force.
  100. Are your thoughts worthy of you? If not - NOW is the time to change them. You can begin right were you are right now. Nothing matters but this moment and what you are focusing your attention on.

Enjoy it.. always be Happy . Don't forget to smile to every person you meet..

04 July 2008

The Optimist Creed ( it good to share..)

The Optimist Creed

Promise yourself:

To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.

To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet.

To make all your friends feel that there is something worthwhile in them.

To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.

To think only of the best, to work only for the best and to expect only the best.

To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.

To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.

To wear a cheerful expression at all times and give a smile to every living creature you meet.

To give so much time to improving yourself that you have no time to criticize others.

To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world, not in loud word, but in great deeds.

To live in the faith that the whole world is on your side, so long as you are true to the best that is in you.

Optimist International adopted this creed in 1922. It was originally published in 1912 in a book titled: “Your Forces and How to Use Them.” The author was Christian D. Larson, a prolific writer and lecturer who believed that people have tremendous latent powers, which could be harnessed for success with the proper attitude.

02 July 2008

How to Create a Million Dollar Stream of Income With Your Mind Now!

Permanent Million Dollar Income Stream

Have you ever felt that you've been cheated?

Perhaps you purchased something and it didn't live up to your expectations?
Maybe you bought something and it broke within a few days or found out later that what you purchased wasn't what you really wanted . . .

For most of us, this has happened at least once in our life. My point in bringing this up is to point out to you how you are now focusing in your mind about that event. You remember it don't you. You remember specific details of what happened . . . and you are probably in a bad mood because of it, aren't you?

Well, I want to point out to you . . . right now . . . that you can STOP those thoughts NOW, by concentrating on something else. Go ahead and think about what you would buy right now when you have a million dollars in cold, hard cash.

That's right, you might be thinking of a new CAR, BOAT, MANSION, TOY, HELPING OTHERS, being free and perhaps you are even thinking of a VACATION or trip to HAWAII or other trips you would take. One person once told me that he was thinking about the words he would say to his boss when he quit his job.

Now, as you are thinking about having your own MILLIONS DOLLARS, what would you do? How would you fee when you have a MILLIONS DOLLARS now? Now STOP thinking about that and LISTEN to LEARN how you can not just "think" about it, but actually create it in your life INSTANTLY!

You don't think it's possible? Think again!

If you've been going through the exercises I've just guided you through, you might not have noticed that when I asked you about being cheated, you got a little upset. When you remembered that experience in your mind, you literally create the same physical sensations that you experienced in the past during that event. Your mind accessed the same thoughts, feelings and sounds that you had at that time in your life. You might have felt upset or slightly angry when you remembered it.

Then, if you thought about having your own million dollars . . . what happened? If you actually could imagine it in your mind, you really did think about what you would do with it, you probably even could see yourself living a "different life" than what you are living right now. Did you do it? Did you experience it? I did. If you didn't, start from the beginning and do read it again - and this time, try to see it in your mind and honestly think about what you would do with your own million dollars.

The fact is, that our minds are more powerful that we know. As humans, we can literally take something from our past and relive it over and over and over again. You might know someone who does this. Think about it. Have you ever heard someone say almost the same thing when something goes wrong? Maybe they say "I had a bad childhood," or "I'm no good at X," or some other negative statementthat they have placed upon themselves.

Without going into scientific details, you can learn to master your mind and use it's creative/ remembering ability to bring into your life whatever you want. Specifically, you can change your mind so you create, not only abundance in every form, but you can actually create a Million Dollar Income Stream into your life . . . now.

How? By using the same tools that others use to bring themselves down into despair and create poverty, you can use those tools in new ways that bring you up into happiness and prosperity and create a Million Dollar Income Stream now.

Just like you thought about what you would do with the millions of dollars, if you will DO the following exercises EVERY DAY - you will create Million Dollar Income Streams in your life. It WILL happen instantly, effortlessly, and naturally as you trust in the power of your mind to create what you want.

Remember, what I am about to share with you are the EXACT STEPS to ensure your success. These are SECRETS. They have been hidden from the general population for a reason. Now that they are going to be revealed to you, please honor them and take them seriously.

Now LISTEN. This is very important. Even though I know thousands (if not millions) of people will eventually read this material, only a select few will actually implement it. Why? Because even though the Million Dollar Income Stream will flow into your life effortlessly and naturally, it does require some EFFORT on your part - only initially. After you set up the system (in your mind), it will be simple, natural and effortless.

So, I invite you to be one of the FEW who will USE this priceless information. Do what needs to be done initially and then, reap the rewards for the rest of your life. Now, these are the EXACT steps to create a Permanent Million Dollar Income Stream in your life NOW . . .

STEP - 1
You must first eliminate all doubt from your being. Eliminate all hate, eliminate all sorrow, eliminate all excuses. In short, you must BELIEVE that this will work for you, because it will. So, step one - have faith that as you do this, it will work. Believe that it will work for you and it will.

STEP - 2
You must take only 15 minutes a day to be by yourself (alone) to perform the MILLIONAIRE EXERCISE. I don't care if you have to go into your closet or bathroom and lock the door - but you must do it. Don't question it, just do it.

STEP - 3
You must close your eyes and repeat the following verbatim (word for word) - preferably out-loud for the entire 15 minutes. "Every minute of every day, millions of dollars flow to me now . . . instantly, effortlessly, naturally now."

STEP - 4
You must repeat that statement over and over and over again in a rhythmic manner for at least 15 minutes of every day for a two month period.

STEP - 5
After the two month period of doing that everyday, you must set a goal of exactly what amount of money you want to have. For example, if you want $1,468,920.00 you must start using this amount in your statements. So, you would say "One million, four hundred sixty-eight thousand, nine hundred twenty dollars flows to me now, instantly, effortlessly, naturally now." Do this for the next 3 months.

STEP - 6
During these next 3 months, after you are done repeating the phrase, you must think about either having that exact amount of money in your bank account (visualize yourself looking at your bank statement with that exact amount of money on your statement). Then, feel good about your accomplishment.

STEP - 7
Circumstances and situations will start arising in your life that will allow this exact amount to manifest itself into your life. Simply be positive (remember you cannot doubt, for if you do - you will not obtain the money) and allow the universe to work its magic in your life.

STEP - 8
Repeat steps one through seven. By doing so, you will acquire Million Dollar Income Streams in your life. You now have the exact steps. Remember to use them.
Thank you for allowing me to share these secret steps with you. I wish you complete success as you create your own Million Dollar Income Streams . . . now.

By Reed Byron, Master Hypnotist.

This article is excerpted from the book Money Making Secrets of Mind Power Masters

01 July 2008

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind - By T.Harv Eker

"Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" reveals the missing link between wanting success and achieving it!

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to get rich easily, while others are destined for a life of financial struggle? Is the difference found in their education, intelligence, skills, timing, work habits, contacts, luck, or their choice of jobs, businesses, or investments?

The shocking answer is: None of the above!
In his groundbreaking "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind", T. Harv Eker states: "Give me five minutes, and I can predict your financial future for the rest of your life!" Eker does this by identifying your "money and success blueprint." We all have a personal money blueprint engrained in our subconscious minds, and it is this blueprint, more than anything, that will determine our financial lives.

You can know everything about marketing, sales, negotiations, stocks, real estate, and the world of finance. But if your money blueprint is not set for a high level of success, you will never have a lot of money-and if somehow you do, you will most likely lose it! The good news is that now you can actually reset your money blueprint to create natural and automatic success.

"Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" is two books in one. Part I explains how your money blueprint works. Through Eker's rare combination of street smarts, humor, and heart, you will learn how your childhood influences have shaped your financial destiny. You will also learn how to identify your own money blueprint and "revise" it to not only create success but, more important, to keep and continually grow it.

In Part II you will be introduced to seventeen "Wealth files," which describe exactly how rich people think and act differently than most poor and middle-class people. Each Wealth File includes specific steps for you to practice in the real world in order to dramatically increase your income and accumulate wealth.

If you are not doing as well financially as you would like, you will have to change your money blueprint. Unfortunately your current money blueprint will tend to stay with you for the rest of your life, unless you identify and revise it, and that's exactly what you will do with the help of this extraordinary book. According to T. Harv Eker, its simple. If you think like rich people think and do what rich people do, chances are you'll get rich too!

Using the principles he teaches, T. HARV EKER went from zero to millionaire in only two and a half years. Eker is president of Peak Potentials Training, one of the fastest growing success training companies in North America. With his unique brand of "street smarts with heart," Eker's humorous, "cut-to-the-chase" style keeps his audience spellbound.

People come from all over the world to attend his sold-out seminars, where crowds often exceed 2,000 people for a weekend program. So far, Eker's teachings have touched the lives of more than a quarter million people. Now, for the first time, he shares his proven secrets of success in this revolutionary book.

Read it and grow rich!"

" Give me five minutes, and I can predict your financial future for the rest of your life! How? By identifying your personal 'money and success blueprint.'"...

-T. Harv Eker, from "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind"

In this life-changing book, you will learn how to identify and revise your own money blueprint to dramatically increase your income and accumulate wealth. By using these proven principles T. Harv Eker went from zero to millionaire in only two and a half years. Read it and grow rich!T. Harv Eker is the author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind and the creator of the world famous "Millionaire Mind Intensive," a program which has changed the lives of over 250,000 people so far.

READ ALSO BY T. HARV EKER: Six Ways of Thinking Rich

05 June 2008

Pakej Google-AdSense Nawar V2.0 Telah Kembali Semula

Seperti yang telah dijanjikan oleh pihak Team Nawar telah membuka semula tempahan, Panduan Lengkap Google AdSense & Trafik! mulai sekarang pada 05 Mei 2008.. dan mungkin ianya akan terhad selepas ini rasanyalah.. tapi harap-harap ianya dapat diteruskan oleh pihak Nawar yer.. boleh kan..?

Sebagai permulaan untuk pengetahuan anda apakah dianya Program AdSense itu anda Download 6 Modul AdSense Percuma Disini! Apa yang bagusnya disini, mereka memberi kaedah yang mudah bagaimana untuk memulakan program AdSense ini dengan memberikan Panduan Percuma buat anda yang baru hendak menceburi bidang AdSense ini.

Anda boleh mendapatkan Panduan Lengkap Google AdSense & Trafik! sekarang ini memandangkan peluang menjana wang kocek sampingan telah di berikan melalui kaedah atau jalan yang mudah dan senang jika anda benar-benar fokus serta penuh kotmimen untuk membebaskan diri dari kesempitan wang.

Niat saya untuk berkongsi ilmu dan maklumat yang berguna ini kerana Anda adalah SAHAM saya untuk jalan ke Alam Akhirat nanti insya Allah, jika Anda telah berjaya membebaskan diri daripada belenggu kekurangan dalam kewangan anda.

Anda perlu berubah sikap daripada persepsi tidak percaya kepada PERCAYA dengan Yakin Tanpa Batasan bahawa Rezeki Allah ada dimana-mana. . dan salah satunya melalui kaedah Sistem Rahsia yang telah Bocor ini.

Anda perlu ambil tindakan yang betul SEKARANG kerana kadang-kala peluang baik ini hanya diberi atau dibuka bila mana terlalu banyak permintaan daripada orang ramai dan jangan sampai anda ketinggalan pula.

Zaman kini kian semakin pantas masa berlalu dan masing-masing mempunyai kotmimen untuk dilaksanakan। Yang nak berkahwin perlukan wang hantaran, yang baru bekerja perlukan rumah dan kereta atau motosikal dsb। Hah sebut motorsikal dan kereta ni perlukan belanja minyak petrol pulak. Dan berkuat-kuasa hari ini harga minyak telah mencecah ke RM 2.70 ++ per liter॥ Naik lagi॥ TAPI anda jangan merunggut tau.. kerana apabila semua orang merunggut naik itu naik ini ini bermakna MEMANG 'benda' (perkara, situasi) akan naik juga kerana KITA yang MENARIKnya (attract). Ini adalah kerana menurut Hukum Penarikan (Law of Attraction) apa-apa yang anda 'Tidak Suka' akan ditarik juga.. alang-alang baik Anda semua Tarik Wang Masuk Tanpa Batasan kan lebih elok lagi yer tak..?

Sebab itulah kita kena empayar kewangan tanpa modal melalui Program sebegini serta seangkatan dengannya.

Ayuh! marilah kita bersama-sama membina AGENDA KEWANGAN kita mulai hari ni.

Tak rugi mencuba sesuatu yang berguna sebaliknya anda akan rugi jika tidak mengambil peluang keemasan ini. Rebutlah sekarang.. Saya telah pun mencubanya dan Ramai Yang Telah Berjaya! - Anda Bila Lagi?

Sekian dahulu dari saya jumpa Anda dimenara kejayaan,,

Admin. bardmyblog.
Jana Wang AdSense Versi2.0 - Klik Disini!

Sumber : http://www.firdauskasim.com/2011/02/tutorial-yang-didedikasikan-kepada-azza.html#ixzz1PRfftMsn

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